Author name: Ian Hughes

Great British Sharks part 2

And so to the sharks that enter the waters of the British Islesโ€ฆ Whilst most spend their time well offshore and are rare or irregular visitors, it excites me that there are more than 30 shark species who live or venture into our waters. The Great British Sharks! In popular culture, worldwide, shark diversity tends […]

Great British Sharks part 2

Great British Sharks – part one

Are we surrounded by sharks? Sharks in our consciousness If you live inland and especially in the British Isles, you probably have little reason to think about sharks. That doesnโ€™t mean you donโ€™t think about them, just that you donโ€™t have to. I read a statistic from the 1980s  saying that, at any one time, there

Great British Sharks – part one

The Conservation of the Scarlet Malachite Beetle

What we have discovered about scarlet malachite beetles and the consequences for the conservation of the species We’ve had the pleasure of working on the scarlet malachite beetle conservation project for many years. Their species is in decline in the UK. We’re attempting to reduce that decline. Here are some of our findings. Thatch Courtship

The Conservation of the Scarlet Malachite Beetle

British Spider Faces

A close up look at spider faces

Spider Face Off So how did an obsession with spider faces begin? When I was 14, my arachnophobic Mum came home from work one late October evening and handed me (the arachnophilic little monster sheโ€™d created) a book that sheโ€™d spotted in the library. Halloweโ€™en was approaching, we shared a love of it. Perhaps she

A close up look at spider faces

Spiny Seahorse Pocket Notebook

Seahorse and Seagrass

Celebrating Nature The weekend before last we were lucky enough to have a stall at the National Botanical Garden of Wales, as part of the Celebrate Nature event organised by the For the Love of Nature team – what a fabulous bunch of people. It was an amazing event supporting mental health charities, bringing together

Seahorse and Seagrass

Honey Bee Swarm

Swarm Season

The Joy of Bees Honey bee swarms can occur anytime from mid-spring, through the summer. From my experience, they peak in July and quickly reduce as the month fades, with August swarms quite rare. Iโ€™ve always been fascinated by bees and started beekeeping when I was 16. My mentor was my first boss and he

Swarm Season

Dolphin Artwork

Dolphin ID

Porpoisfully looking at Dol-Fins  When weโ€™re lucky enough to see dolphins (or unidentified cetaceans), itโ€™s not always easy to tell which species they are. Sometimes they leap clear or poke their heads out of the water but, more often than not, all we see is a dorsal fin and a bit of back with no

Dolphin ID

scarlet malachite beetle pair

A Not So Brief Introduction to the Scarlet Malachite Beetle Project

A Study in Scarlet Introduction โ€“ Breakthroughs  We had some breakthroughs in 2021 and 22. Slowly but surely through managing and monitoring our little scarlet malachite beetle nursery cottages, we accumulated enough confidence to have another go at captive breeding, really just to find out what the larvae (beetle grubs) eat. Are they specialists on

A Not So Brief Introduction to the Scarlet Malachite Beetle Project Read More ยป

theladybird spider

The Lady Bird Spider

Itโ€™s all about the Ladybird Spider for us at the moment. Last month we conducted another ladybird spider translocation on the Dorset heaths. Today we launch our newest book, Lacey the Ladybird Spider along with our Ladybird spider T-Shirts. This Easter, our ladybird spiders will be on CBBCโ€™s Deadly Predators starring Steve Backshallโ€ฆ he gave

The Lady Bird Spider

British Cephalopods


Head-foot, ink-jet brainy suckers โ€“ The Cephalopods of the British Isles Many people donโ€™t have a clue what a cephalopod is. Even if their Greek and Latin is good the translation to โ€˜head-footโ€™ isnโ€™t writhing with firm answers. But almost all people know what octopus and squid are and most have at least heard of


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