Connect with nature

Great British Sharks part 2

And so to the sharks that enter the waters of the British Isles… Whilst most spend their time well offshore and are rare or irregular visitors, it excites me that there are more than 30 shark species who live or venture into our waters. The Great British Sharks! In popular culture, worldwide, shark diversity tends […]

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Dolphin Artwork

Dolphin ID

Porpoisfully looking at Dol-Fins  When we’re lucky enough to see dolphins (or unidentified cetaceans), it’s not always easy to tell which species they are. Sometimes they leap clear or poke their heads out of the water but, more often than not, all we see is a dorsal fin and a bit of back with no

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columbus crab

Castaways and the Columbus Crab

Stormy weather lures me outside  I do love the summer but I really, really love the winter storms.  Finding something as exotic as a columbus crab is a rare treat. Beachcombing in the dark with the wind howling and the waves crashing is exhilarating enough. But the chances of finding something increase it. The excitement

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Edward O Wilson Books

Edward O Wilson

Preserving Our Biosphere – A Tribute to Edward O Wilson I had the new experience yesterday evening of reading a book by someone I thought was alive that same morning but had found, during the day, that they’d died. Reading on, it was unsettling, upsetting, and made their urgent plea all the more urgent. As

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winter wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Signs of Spring As the juggernaut of Christmas goes rumbling past, many people start talking about signs of spring. Now, you may not agree with me about this but I say HOLD-ON…. STOP  FOR A MOMENT. Let’s take some time to appreciate winter. Whilst I live with the seasons and love the spring time, I like to

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